The Common Issues with Double Glazing
Of course, when you have double glazed replacement windows fitted, the salesman will tell you they are maintenance free, and while the aluminium or uPVC frames do not need maintaining, there are things that can go wrong, and if your windows are no longer covered by the warranty, you will need to find a company that carries out misty window repairs in Wolverhampton. Here are a few of the common issues that can be found with double glazing.
- Condensation – The tell-tale sign is misty windows, yet this isn’t a major repair, as a local glazier can make a new sealed unit of the same dimensions and this can easily replace the defective unit. The repair would be done within a couple of hours, and by suing toughened safety glass, you can rest assured the unit will not break.
- Defective Locks – Every opening should have an individual lock, which can sometimes malfunction, and there would be a local glazier that has experience in replacing window and door locks. There are times when the lock can be repaired, but if not, then a replacement is fitted.
- Broken Sealed Units – Playing football is the main cause of a double-glazed unit breaking, or it could be that a burglar attempted to gain access through the patio doors. A local glazier would be able to replace any broken unit, and most offer a same-day service and some even offer emergency repairs outside of regular office hours.
If you have any issues with your double glazing, an online search will reveal the location of a local glazier who can fix any issues there and then.
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